After 10 years of existence, PHICAP GROUP has just passed 2 billion euros in managed assets, including over 450,000 m2 in managed properties and over 60 projects in development. Furthermore, Phicap has become PHICAP GROUP following the creation of a holding company which gather the entirety of the group.
It is within this context that for the first time in its history, and in view of the continued growth of the company, PHICAP GROUP is establishing a Board of Directors. Among its duties, the board will contribute to governance within the group and support the founder and CEO Michael Goldberg in ensuring the continued growth of the company.
In order to perform these duties successfully, the Board of Directors will be composed of three experienced members from various fields. Joining the board are Agnès Schreder, former secretary general and member of the Schréder SA board, Pascal Wuillaume, business leader consultant and international speaker and Rikkert Leeman, CEO of the investment company and developer, Alides.
Michael GOLDBERG – Founder and CEO of Phicap: “I am delighted to welcome these new board members to the first Board of Directors of PHICAP GROUP. It’s a significant moment in the history of our company. Our company now boasts over 40 employees and to support me in the next steps in the group’s growth I could not have dreamed better of having these three personalities by my side. Their expertise and years of experience in different fields will allow us, I’m sure, to continue on our upward trend with their guidance and benevolence. ”
The three new board members:
Agnès Schreder worked as a lawyer for over 30 years. Specialising in Company law, governance, worldwide subsidiary creation and in the field of intellectual property, she has created and developed the legal department of the family-owned group, Schréder. Up until last year, she still held a seat on the Board of Directors and was General Secretary of Schréder SA.
Pascal Wuillaume is a business leader consultant and international speaker. He has been CEO 7 times in 7 different sectors. With 25 years of experience as CEO for various international, family-owned and listed companies and groups, he has worked all over the world in Belgium, France, USA and even Singapore. Having become a consultant in 2020, he now supports business leaders in navigating the major phases of transformation within their company.
Rikkert LEEMAN
Rikkert Leeman is CEO of the investment and development company Alides operating in Belgium, Luxembourg and Poland. Prior to this, he spent over 10 years working for Befimmo, the second Belgian Regulated Real Estate Company [Société Immobilière Réglementée (SIR)] to be listed on Euronext Brussels stock exchange. He held the position of Director of technical operations. From 2010 to 2016, Rikkert Leeman was a member of the Board of Directors of RICS Belux and a founding member of the International Sustainability Alliance Council. Currently, he is vice-president of the Belgian association of real estate professionals BVS – UPSI and president for the Brussels-Capital Region.